Internet Security…
When it comes to the internet digital privacy is very important. The personal information that you put out online can be used by someone else and it can be used in a negative way. It is important to be aware of this so you can limit the amount you put online, because there is no limit to what someone can take. An example that is frequently occuring in our time is identity theft which is used for fraud. People get your information and use you resources and that can leave you or anyone else very unhappy. This is why I started to pay attention to the sights I’m one when giving out information. You want to make sure you are on a secured web page, the way I found this out is if it has a lock symbol in the url.
Finding out about how there’s no law for data protection surprised me. I understood about how people can steal information, because it can be done outside of the internet. I definitely agree that there should be rules and regulations to how much and what can be taken. I know when signing up for some things online I am asked for my consent, but if I’m not asked nothing should be share.
Lastly terms and conditions. I always looked at terms and conditions as something important but never took the time to read them. I guess when I signed up for my social media accounts or made an email I had some sort of trust in the companies that nothing funny was implicated in the terms. Even the companies that make you click the terms I still don’t read them. After this week I learned a lot from data privacy to terms and conditions. This gives me a lot of insight to think about as I move throughout my future of using the internet.