Why education on digital citizenship/literacy is important.
Digital Citizenship and Digital Literacy are two different terms that can get mixed up. Digital Citizenship is all about have positive engagement when using technology(Australia, 2021). Digital Literacy on the other hand is all about having the ability to use this technology, so basically having the understanding for it (Renaissance, 2019) . If I were to have to teach this to someone I would use the phrase “Good Citizen” to define Digital Citizenship. For Digital Literacy, I would define this by explain this is the knowledge that you posses with using technology.
Although these are two different terms they have some similarities. The way I look at it is in order to have Digital Citizenship you have to have some knowledge of technology. You’ll have the understand the functions, the do’s and don’ts therefore you can showcase your digital citizenship. To me these both work together, and you don’t have one without the other.
I think that digital citizenship can be thought to people my age. Before taking this course I had no knowledge of it. I think it first starts with education people on the topic so they can at least be aware of it. When logging in online I think that people can show this good behavior by thinking of others, and be conscious of the idea of digital citizenship. Overall I think that the lack of digital citizenship deals with ignorance, and people thinking of themselves. Thing two things do not do any justice when working towards everyone showing digital citizenship.
After reviewing this weeks content I can say that I have learned a lot about Digital Citizenship. One thing that I found interesting is the idea that digital citizenship connects with internet risk (Gleason & von Gillern, 2018). This week I was introduced to the Nine elements of Digital Citizenship. The one that I want to talk about is Digital Security and Privacy (Ribble, 2004). When you began to have the understand of what can put you at risk you can begin to act accordingly. A lot of these privacy breaches happen when people have no idea. This is important therefore you can show digital citizenship in this area and lower your risk.